tree sparrow artinya
- tree: pohon; pokok; sir herbert beerbohm tree; tree;
- sparrow: burung pipit; burung gereja; pipit
- eurasian tree sparrow: burung-gereja erasia; burung ciak urasia
- hedge sparrow: pipit
- house sparrow: pipit
- java sparrow: gelatik jawa; burung ciak jawa
- little sparrow: edith giovanna gassion; little sparrow; edith piaf; piaf
- rock sparrow: petronia petronia
- sparrow aviation: flyglinjen
- sparrow hills: bukit burung gereja
- timor sparrow: gelatik timor
- true sparrow: pipit
- tree: pohon; pokok; sir herbert beerbohm tree; tree; salasilah; pohon dadap; kayu merah; pohon lilin; kayu ipi; batang; pohon kelumpang; kayu putih mati; pohon dilak; jenis pohon; membelok; pohon kom; kay
- his eye is on the sparrow: dia memeliharakan burung
- old world sparrow: burung gereja
- Kata benda
- finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
Sinonim: Spizella arborea, - Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrow
Sinonim: Passer montanus,